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Reiki Master Teacher, 

Creative Life Coach & Artist


For Marion Corbin Mayer it is all about teaching, change, and joy.  "My intent is to help others regain creativity and health, moving away from a focus on illness and blocks. Everyone is creative. Everyone has a story that needs to be told in some way. An hour on the Reiki table refreshes and relaxes people in this stressed out world. It allows room to actually hear the still small voice inside. It's a very sacred time." Reiki can help “recharge your batteries”. This energy can be used for healing, for creative expression, or solving stressful problems. Marion is excellent with clients who have never experienced Reiki healing before. Her compassionate honesty and humor help to put them quickly at ease with the process.

Reiki sessions with Marion focus on empowerment: regaining health and creative energy through Reiki and Creative Life Coaching.


As a facilitator, Marion offers several programs to help people discover & recover their creativity.  She is also available to lead retreats or speak with groups on various topics.  Click here to request a speakers packet.


As an artist, Marion works in a variety of mediums and loves both landscapes and portraits.  A graduate of Columbus College of Art & Design (BFA, Advertising) and Wright State University (MA, Art Therapy), Marion's paintings have been shown locally at Essex Studios, the Cincinnati Art club and are in both private and corporate collections.  Marion is an active member of the Cincinnati Art Club.


As Founder and Director of Creative Catalyst Studio, Marion welcomes intermediate and advanced artist's to join her Monday mornings, 9:30 am - noon, for "Open Studio" Sessions.  Come to Creative Catalysts and USE your art stuff!


Indicates books used in courses


art by sark


When Organizing Isn't Enough SHED

Julie Morgenstern

Are you eager to make a change but unsure what's next?

Organizing works when you know where you're going but don't know how to get there. But sometimes organizing isn't enough. When you're eager to make a change in your life, but you are unsure of your new destination, you need to SHED.

Expert organizer and New York Times bestselling author Julie Morgenstern has developed the four-step SHED plan to help you get unstuck from the defunct, obsolete objects and obligations preventing you from living a richer, more meaningful life. SHED picks up where other organizing processes leave off -- helping you purge the physical and behavioral clutter holding you back so you can finally create real change in your life.

But it's not just about throwing things away! The SHED process is more about what comes before and after you heave the clutter, so that the changes you make really stick in the long term. Learn how to:

Separate the treasures -- What is truly worth hanging on to?

Heave the trash -- What's weighing you down?

Embrace your identity -- Who are you without all your stuff?

Drive yourself forward -- Which direction connects to your genuine self?

Whether you're facing a move, a promotion, an empty nest, a marriage, divorce or retirement, When Organizing Isn't Enough provides a practical,  plan for positively managing change in every aspect of your life.
click here for more information or to order.


The Artist's Way

Julia Cameron


Classic text on rediscovering and recovering your creativity.  Read it and find out what all the fuss is about.  Your life will change in a hundred exciting ways if you engage in this 12-week process.
 click here for more information or to order.


Artist's Way on tape

The perfect solution for the commuter who wants to keep up with the 12-week program.
 click here for more information or to order.


Riding the Dragon: The Artist's Way at Work

Mary Bryan & Julia Cameron


How to integrate this process into the work environment.  Includes recent organizational theory as well as creative exercises.
 click here for more information or to order.



The Nine Modern Day Muses: 

10 Guides to Creative Inspiration for Artists, Poets, Lovers, and Other Mortals Wanting to Live a Dazzling Existence Jill Badonsky

Really fun text from a former Artist's Way facilitator about how to receive creative guidance & tap your inner wisdom.  Jill approaches creative blocks with humor and irreverence while providing concrete solutions.  Text for upcoming course at Creative Catalysts.    Buy this book!

 click here for more information or to order.



One Small Step Can Change Your Life : The Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer

Introducing the practical and inspirational guide to incorporating Kaizen and its powerful principles into one's daily life. Rooted in the two thousand-year-old wisdom of the Tao Te Ching--"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"--Kaizen is the art of making great and lasting change through small, steady increments. A "must read" for creativity coaching clients!
 click here for more information or to order.





Reiki: The Healing Touch

By William Rand

This text is included in the fee for Reiki training with Marion at Creative Catalyst Studio.  A very instructive book that includes both Reiki I & II course information.  You may order it here via amazon.com or directly from Reiki.org   click here for more information or to order.



In Association with Amazon.com

Scroll down for Links to find     Creative Catalyst ezine archives 


Creative Life Coaching!

Helping you create what's next!

Creative Catalysts'

Seminars & Workshops



Cincinnati Area Artist's Dates!

Fun things to do to foster creativity.

Artist's Way Affirmations!
Create positive change in your life.

Reiki Sessions!

Reiki can help your relax and hear that still small voice of guidance.


Articles & Newsletters


Creativity Killers

(.pdf 3 pages)

Published in the October, 2003 issue of Artist's Sketchbook Magazine


Articles are posted in .pdf format which is viewable with Adobe Acrobat Reader.  If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, please click on the "Get Acrobat Reader" icon to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website. 



If you have any questions, or experience difficulty opening the E-Zines, please feel free to contact Marion.



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