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If you prefer to talk with Marion rather than email, call 513/368-1994

MA/CRMT: Reiki Master Teacher, Creative Life Coach & Artist 

For Marion Corbin Mayer it is all about teaching, change, and joy.  "My intent is to help others regain creativity and health, moving away from a focus on illness and blocks. Everyone is creative. Everyone has a story that needs to be told in some way. An hour on the Reiki table refreshes and relaxes people in this stressed out world. It allows room to actually hear the still small voice inside. It's a very sacred time." Reiki can help “recharge your batteries”. This energy can be used for healing, for creative expression, or solving stressful problems. Marion is excellent with clients who have never experienced Reiki healing before. Her compassionate honesty and humor help to put them quickly at ease with the process.

Reiki sessions with Marion focus on empowerment: regaining health and creative energy through Reiki and Creative Life Coaching.


As a facilitator, Marion offers several programs to help people discover & recover their creativity.  She is also available to lead retreats or speak with groups on various topics.  Click here to request a speakers packet.


As an artist, Marion works in a variety of mediums and loves both landscapes and portraits.  A graduate of Columbus College of Art & Design (BFA, Advertising) and Wright State University (MA, Art Therapy), Marion's paintings have been shown locally at Essex Studios, the Cincinnati Art club and are in both private and corporate collections.  Marion is an active member of the Cincinnati Art Club.


As Founder and Director of Creative Catalyst Studio, Marion welcomes intermediate and advanced artist's to join her Monday mornings, 9:30 am - noon, for "Open Studio" Sessions.  Come to Creative Catalysts and USE your art stuff!


You deserve a life, too!


Coaching with Marion:



When you commit to work with a Professional Coach you make the commitment to take your dreams seriously.  You are worth this time.  


"The average person has four ideas a year which, if any one is acted on, would make them a millionaire." - Brian Tracy


"YOU have made such a huge difference in my life 

and I thank you thank you thank you! 

You are fulfilling your mission in a grand and profound way.

I hope that fills you with a wonderful glow of accomplishment!"  

- Robin O'Neal


Email Marion  

for a coaching information packet.



What is Coaching?...


Coaching, also known as personal coaching or life coaching, is an increasingly popular method of self-help whereby the "coach" works with the client to achieve the client's goals, whether that goal is to get a better job or have more fun and work less. Coaching is all about empowering clients to figure out what they want and find the resources within themselves to make it happen. It is therefore unique and very different from therapy or even consulting. Coaches do not "heal" or "tell" people what they should do. They listen, encourage, empower, and help the client stay motivated.

Coaching is NOT therapy. Traditional coaches do not work with clients on deep-seated emotional issues or traumas, though some coaches are more spirituality-based. Coaching is not treating mental illness.

Traditionally, coaching is  done on the phone rather than in person. This is more convenient for coach as well as client, and also allows the coach to focus on listening rather than being distracted by someone's physicality. However, you may also schedule a session in person.

Coaching subjects are usually very "practical" in nature and not emotional, although hidden emotional blocks that prevent coaching progress

are often helped by Reiki.

For more information about Coaching visit: Coachville.com



Combining Coaching with Reiki...

During a Reiki Coaching session, clients are encouraged to speak of their goals before the table time, then hold an "intention" to work on their goals during the Reiki portion of the session. Working on "intentions", manifesting future goals and dreams is a truly effective use of the Reiki time. The physical relaxation experienced allows one the time & the possibility to hear the still small voice within.*

Telephone coaching can include distance Reiki after the session.



Benefits of Reiki Coaching...

The benefits of adding Reiki to coaching can be quite profound. Marion believes that Reiki and coaching can offer valuable support to anyone, at any stage of life! In this case, 1 + 1 = 5!!


Appointments are available at:


Creative Catalyst Studio

#231 in the Essex Studios complex

at the corner of Essex Place & McMillan

near U.C. & the Clifton area of Cincinnati.

(Easy access to I-71.)


For details E-mail Marion


If you prefer to talk with Marion rather than email, 

call 513/368-1994

Scroll down for Links to find     Creative Catalyst ezine archives 


Creative Life Coaching!

Helping you create what's next!

Creative Catalysts'

Seminars & Workshops

(Be patient - takes awhile to load at 28.8)


Cincinnati Area Artist's Dates!

Fun things to do to foster creativity.

Artist's Way Affirmations!
Create positive change in your life.

Reiki Sessions!

Reiki can help your relax and hear that still small voice of guidance.

Articles & Newsletters


Interview with Marion

(.pdf 2 pages)


Creativity Killers

(.pdf 3 pages)

Published in the October, 2003 issue of Artist's Sketchbook Magazine

Creative Catalyst Studio News:


January 2005 E-Zine

(.pdf 7 pages)


February 2005 E-Zine

(.pdf 7 pages)


March 2005 E-Zine

(.pdf 7 pages)


E-Zines are posted in .pdf format which is viewable with Adobe Acrobat Reader.  If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, please click on the "Get Acrobat Reader" icon to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website. 



If you have any questions, or experience difficulty opening the E-Zines, please feel free to contact Marion.



For the latest news join the Creative Catalyst E-Zine by completing the form below!  




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